A Method for Automated Opening of Craniotomies for Mammalian Brain Access

A method for automated opening of craniotomies includes, under the control of a computer processor, drilling into a skull for a predetermined distance and determining when there is a conductance drop near the drilling tip that indicates skull breakthrough. If the conductance is not below a predetermined threshold, drilling continues iteratively manner until conductance is below the threshold. A craniotomy pattern may be predetermined and automatically drilled under control of the processor. A cranial window may be created by drilling along a path that interpolates between holes to form the circumference of the window. An automated craniotomy opening apparatus includes a drilling apparatus with a drilling tip, at least one drilling apparatus positioning device, a detection device, and a computer processor that controls the drilling apparatus, the positioning device, and the detection device according to the method. Determining conductance may include use of an impedance detection circuit.


Edward Boyden / Nikita Pak / Justin Kinney

Departments: Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Biomedical Devices & Systems / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Autonomous Systems

  • method for automated opening of craniotomies for mammalian brainaccess
    United States of America | Granted | 10,820,914

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