Integrated Electrical Profiling System for Measuring Leukocytes Activation from Whole Blood

This tool can be used for sepsis detection and diagnosis in a hospital setting, asa prognostic indicator of an autoimmune episode or neutropenia, and as a point of care monitoring system.  


Lidan Wu / Hao-Wei Su / Javier Prieto / Joel Voldman / Jongyoon Han

Departments: Dept of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Technology Areas: Biotechnology: Sensors & Monitoring / Electronics & Photonics: Photonics
Impact Areas: Healthy Living

  • integrated electrical profiling system for measuring leukocytes activation from whole blood
    United States of America | Granted | 10,098,581


Professors Jay Han and Joel Voldman have developed a technology to address this issue.  Their novel detection system allows for isolation and quantification of activated neutrophils, which have been established as a biomarker of sepsis.  Requiring only a small sample volume and a relatively rapid assay time, this device can be used to monitor the onset and progression of sepsis in a sensitive and specific manner.  Moreover, this system can be adapted to monitor a range of conditions associated with elevated levels of inflammation, such as autoimmune diseases, and in both clinical and non-clinical settings.  

Problem Addressed

Sepsis is a condition characterized by uncontrolled inflammation resulting from a microbial infection, most often in a hospital setting.  In the United States, close to one million incidences of sepsis occur yearly, with a morbidity of 40-60%, incurring an estimated $400 million in treatment costs.  Early and accurate diagnosis of the condition is essential for effective treatment, and current diagnosis options are limited.    


  • Small sample volume
  • Rapid assay time 
  • High sensitivity and specificity 
  • Label free 
  • Can be performed in an outpatient setting   

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