Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Pad Conditioning Tool

Polishing pad conditioning system. The system includes a first rotatable platen supporting a polishing pad containing asperities having a radius of curvature. A second rotatable platen supports a disk of bulk material having holes therethrough, the second rotatable platen supported for translation as well as rotation. Means are provided for pushing the polishing pad and bulk material into contact at an interface during rotation and translation and means are provided for passing a slurry through the holes in the bulk material to the interface whereby the radius of curvature of the pad asperities is increased. Water may be delivered to the bulk material for cooling. A process for conditioning a polishing pad is also disclosed.


Thor Eusner / Nannaji Saka / Jung-Hoon Chun

Departments: Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity
Technology Areas: Energy & Distribution: Electrochemical Devices / Industrial Engineering & Automation: Manufacturing & Equipment
Impact Areas: Advanced Materials

  • chemical-mechanical polishing pad conditioning system
    United States of America | Granted | 8,758,091

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